Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wife Lesson #8 with Lynne Gentry

Author Lynne Gentry said she never wanted to marry a pastor or a farmer. Find out why and how God gave her everything she thought she never wanted in this 30+ year marriage. Hear about the challenges she faces as a pastor's wife as well as how she keeps herself looking good!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wife Lesson #7 - Cultural Conflict and Trust

Wife Lesson #7 - Cultural Conflict & Trust 

Author April Dishon was born in America and married a man from a small island. So, naturally, they faced cultural conflicts. Additionally, April struggled with trust issues as a result of her upbringing. Listen to her testimony and explore God's way of handling both natural and spiritual challenges in a marriage.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wife Lesson #6 - Past the "Honeymoon" Phase

Author Tia McCollors
Tia McCollors is a busy mother of two who is approaching her 7-year wedding anniversary. Learn how she manages to balance her time alone with God and her time with family as she answers:

* What's it like after the "honeymoon" phase?
* How do you keep your life/marriage from mirroring the world's standards?
* How do you connect with other Christian couples?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wife Lesson #5 - Seasons in a Marriage

After 32 years of marriage, my friend, Jayne shares her thoughts on the following:

1. How did you know your husband was "the one"?
2. Does marriage ever get any easier?
3. How do you sustain the friendship with your husband?
4. How do you do the in-law thing?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wife Lesson #4 with Shannon & Michelle - Surviving & Thriving After Infidelity

We live in a fallen world, and sin is present. But because of Christ, sin does not have the last word. Listen to a candid conversation between two women of God who experienced infidelity in their marriages but decided (despite biblical grounds for divorce) to forgive, stay, and work things out. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wife Lesson #3 with Lee Etta

No one knows everything there is to know about marriage...but after 39 years, "Mrs. Lee Etta" has got something to share!

How do you see your marriage in 5 years? 10 years? 30 years? Well, if you're on day-by-day status with your husband, you'll find encouragement from a woman who has learned to rely on her love affair with God to keep her marriage strong and healthy. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Wife Lesson #2 with Tiffany Warren

How do some couples make it look so easy?

Tiffany Warren is a busy, creative mother of five who has been married for twelve years. In Wife Lesson #2, Tiffany shares some lessons she's still learning about preserving a godly marriage in the midst of every-day hustle. Listen as we discuss very REAL topics like:

* When to just leave your husband alone
* How to respect boundaries during disagreements
* How they worked as a team to manage five kids when they had no money for daycare

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wife Lessons #1 - "Why Did I Get Married?" & "What I Know Now" with Ella Curry

Happy New Year!
Let me make this short and sweet - I've missed you all! But don't fret - I've been in the prayer closet (and I pray you have, too) and gotten some directives about this blog. The focus for this blog in 2011 is to encourage women who's marriages are in a difficult stage.

Please listen, learn, and share with another woman who just needs encouragement for today.

To God be the Glory!