Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Re-thinking Matthew 6:33

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

So I'm looking at my list of things to do today.  And after listening to one of Keith Moore's messages, two things occur to me: 1) Nothing on my agenda today benefits anyone except me; 2) Relatively few things on my prayer list benefit anyone except me and my immediate family.

Maybe I've justified this selfishness by telling myself that the better my life is, the better my testimony. The more people see Christ in me, the more they will want to know Him. Sounds good in theory, but if I'm totally honest with myself, this isn't true at the deepest level. I mean, yes, it's good when believers exhibit God's manifest glory in our lives. But there's more to this Christian walk, more to prayer, more to life in Christ than to help me have a "good life."

So I'm asking the questions (and expecting God's answer): What can I do today to forward the Kingdom Agenda in the land? How can I magnify the name of Jesus?

The same way I sit and ponder the master plan for my life, I'll sit and ponder God's master plan, anticipating His direction with great excitement and happiness. Awaiting the opportunity to speak to someone about Him, to point someone to Him today.

What's on your agenda today?